Free a Girl rescues minor girls from sexual exploitation. We have rescued more than 6,500 survivors worldwide to date.

We help survivors to achieve justice by tracking down the perpetrators
and tackling impunity. When they’ve had time to heal, Free a Girl empowers the girls to become awareness-raising Watch dogs and Change Agents in their communities. Our School for Justice program trains survivors to become the best lawyers, paralegals, police officers, social workers and journalists, to change the system from within.

Free a Girl runs programs in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe and USA.

rescued children
accused predators
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‘It’s an honor to work with our amazing team and bring you along on this journey for change. Free a Girl has done so much valuable work. So far, we’ve managed to rescue more than 6,500 girls. That’s a lot! But we want to rescue many, many more. And we want you to be part of it.’ 

Yolanthe Cabau – Actress, businesswoman and founder of Free a Girl

Mother Theresa Award

‘After reading a newspaper article about minors being held and abused in tiny cubicles in Indian brothels, I knew what my life’s mission was: I had to help these girls. We started Free a Girl and have freed so many girls since that first day. But we must keep going. We must free more girls, because “She is not a drop in the ocean, she is the whole ocean in a drop”.

Founder Evelien Hölsken on winning the Mother Theresa award

Rishi – rescue team: ‘The rescue that made the most impact on me was when we rescued a 14-year-old girl. She had been kidnapped on her way to school and brought to Delhi. She had been raped by multiple men. When her body could not perform anymore, the traffickers dumped her. When I saw her, I almost fainted. She was so thin. She looked like a skeleton. We need to end this. We need to create voices.’

We want to ensure that survivors of sexual exploitation receive fair treatment within their legal systems and get compensation and/or a conviction. We help survivors by aiding them in the legal process, trying to ensure a fair trial, and raising social awareness about their needs. We train local law enforcement to spot the signs of trafficking and provide training, lawyers and psycho-social aid for survivors.

Survivors receive medical, psychological and legal care and become Watch Dogs in their communities. They raise awareness about the problem of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Our School for Justice is an award-winning program for survivors of sexual exploitation. The School for Justice is a program in which students become human rights professionals  to change the system from within.